Coffee Addict illustration is My Project in Digital Illustration Applied to Products – A Domestika course by Guacala Studio
About the Course
Digital Illustration Applied to Products course is designed to illustrators, designers and all those interested in developing illustrated pieces. In this course Guacala Studio teaches how to make a composition combining illustration and lettering , which students will then take to different applications: stickers , posters, t-shirts, cushions and animated GIF .Combining characters, lettering and illustrated elements to create unique compositions from beginning to end.
When I saw this course I knew that I need to take it! It’s everything I ever wanted to do – turn my illustration into awesome products! The course was more awesome than I anticipated. It is for photoshop users but I could use Affinity Designer software for it just fine. After this course my skills reached the level I even didn’t dream of! From doodly characters to this?! That is to say, I’m still in disbelief what I can create now, having the knowledge and new skills.
A Collection of cahracters created for final design
During this Course I created Five characters on the same theme. They work prwtty well separately. Each has own pun which I came up to. They look pretty cool on things you see below.
Coffee Addict Design

I run on coffee!
In conclusion I combined all characters and made my final Artwork for the project. Coffee Addict artwork dedicated to all coffee addicts!! So this one looks great when printed on clothing or stationary products!
Coffee Addict Product Collection
Coffee Addict Design looks Awesome on various products!
Feedback by Guacala Studio

Teachers from Guacala Studio gave their feedback on my final project
Above all I am thrilled to get such an awesome feedback on my final work from great team of Guacala Studio! I enjoyed this course and gained a lot of it. Will recomend any time!
Feedback by Brian Abela

“This is an Amazing design! I have to say: I’m really, really impressed by it. If you drew it – well done. You’re an Amazing Graphic Artist…”
– Brian Abela
This is a Feedback by Brian Abela on his Youtube Channel in Print on Demand Design Review Episode 03. Do I need to say that I am beyond happy to receive such positive feedback from Brian Abela – A fellow Designer, friend from Instagram Moonsmileproducts who also runs YouTube channel where he shares the knowledge, tips and tricks about designing for and managing Print on Demand business. He has been capturing photos for the last 15 years, teaching for the last 20 and creating designs, using Photoshop for the past 6. It’s so awesome to receive such feedback from Brian, it feels unreal!